yes i agree with djjabman
these 9-11 dedications are startin to make me sick... it's amazing how we're all a bunch of people livin out life, a buildin goes down, now all of a sudden we're PATRIOTS? wtf is that all about
For one if your going to be a patriot, make sure you not hypocritical like every other asshole that will fight for "americas freedom" bunch of damn idiots we're already a free country, we're attackin fuckin iraq and what's it gettin us... even further in debt, this countries going down because of stupid accusations, it's funny how they haven't found any biological weapons in iraq as we've suspected, nor are we after bin laden anymore, strange eh? well bush is a fuckin moron
but enough with that shit, this movie was good, nothin special, just a 9-11 tribute, hell people don't notice it but however many people that died in the towers, well about that many die each and every day around the world so whoopty doo